Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Fast Forum—a platform bringing together e-commerce merchants, marketers, and managers. Here you can ask questions, share experiences, give advice, and exchange resources with like-minded individuals.

We've compiled a set of community guidelines to provide details on what topics we discuss, our expectations of members, what we don't allow here, and our terms of use.

Please familiarize yourself with this information before joining the community conversation.

Purpose of the Forum

Fast Simon's community is a supportive space for e-tailers to discuss various topics related to improving the customer's online shopping experience. These include using AI to automate and enhance functions like personalization, merchandising, search optimization, and collection filters.

Members can ask the community questions or share their challenges and receive suggestions and advice from their peers. We also discuss our personal experiences and share information that can help others.

We aim to create a supportive and collaborative environment where we can learn how to provide a more seamless, efficient, and personalized experience for our customers. Ultimately, we want to improve customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty and boost sales and AOV.

Below we list our expectations and rules, designed to ensure the community remains a safe, beneficial, and enjoyable space for everyone.

We Ask Members To:

Show Respect

Respect forms the foundation of a strong community and involves being polite and considerate. Every member deserves to be respected, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Actively Participate

Get involved as far as possible, and feel free to share your thoughts and experiences, ask questions, or offer solutions and best practices.

Be Supportive

We encourage members to offer support and help one another, whether this is answering a question, giving advice, or providing useful resources. It also means we should encourage, motivate, and empower each other.

Maintain and Respect Privacy

You should not reveal your personal or private information, like full name, phone number, or address. It also means respecting other members' privacy and not asking for their personal details.

Post Relevant Content

To maintain the focus and quality of the discussions, members should always stay on-topic and not derail conversations.

Be Concise

For everyone's convenience, keep your questions, answers, or stories as concise as possible so that threads are better organized and easier to follow.

We Ask Members Not To:

Discriminate Against Others

We don't allow any act of discrimination, prejudice, or hate speech toward a group or individual based on race, religion, or any other personal characteristic.

Be Inappropriate

Don't post or do anything offensive to others, like using profanity, being vulgar, or posting explicit content.

Harass Others

This refers to any behavior or comment that creates a hostile or uncomfortable environment, including threatening, bullying, or intimidating others.

Buy, Sell, or Advertise

Members may not use the forum for commercial purposes, like buying or selling goods or promoting their businesses.

Be Deceptive

While you don't have to use your real name, you should never impersonate someone else. Deception also includes providing false or misleading information, misrepresentation, and other forms of fraud.

Interfere With the Running of the Site or Forum

Interference involves hacking, spamming, overloading the system, or transmitting malware.

Engage in or Encourage Dangerous or Illegal Activity

Members should not participate in illegal, dangerous, or harmful activities and should also not promote or enable anyone else to do the same.


To make sure the community runs smoothly, we carefully monitor forum discussions and take action against those who don't follow the above guidelines.

Reporting Misconduct

We may not catch every instance of misconduct, so we ask members to report any posts or comments that go against our guidelines. You can reach us by emailing

It's best to bring your concerns to us directly rather than responding to the offending post on the forum. We will keep your identity anonymous.

Consequences of Misconduct

We handle every incident individually, and the repercussions of misconduct vary according to their severity.

We may:

  • Give a warning for minor or unintentional violations
  • Edit or remove comments or posts
  • Take away certain member privileges
  • Temporarily disable the offender's account
  • Ban the individual from using the forum
  • For serious incidents, report it to authorities or take legal action

Terms of Use

Use of Member Contributions

By participating in community discussions, you consent that we may use your contributions without asking for your permission or providing compensation. We have the right to use, reproduce, and publish user submissions for promotional, educational, or other purposes.

User-Generated Content

As an open communication platform, members can freely express their opinions, give advice, share information, or post links on the forum. Fast Simon, however, does not necessarily share these views. We aren't accountable for the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any content created by members.


We provide the Fast Forum "as is" without any warranties or guarantees. Community members should be cautious before relying on the advice or information shared on the forum. It's important to do sufficient research before trusting user-generated content to make significant decisions or transactions. Always review third parties' terms and conditions and policies.

The forum's content is not a substitute for professional e-commerce, marketing, merchandising, financial, or other advice. We strongly suggest seeking the guidance and services of a reputable company or a qualified and experienced professional.

Limitation of Liability

Fast Simon will not be liable for any damages, losses, injuries, or harm that may result from your use of this community, including but not limited to any content posted by other users, errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies.


By accessing and using this online community, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions and will follow our guidelines.

You also agree to use the community at your own risk and release us from any and all claims, demands, damages, and expenses arising from your use of this forum.

Contact Us

We value input from our community members and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding these guidelines, Terms of Use, or ways to improve the community. You may do so by emailing