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How To Combat Consumer Marketing Fatigue

Oli Kashti - Writer and Fact-Checker for Fast Simon
By Oli Kashti
Joel Taylor - Editor for Fast Simon
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published October 15, 2024.

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The ultimate struggle for eCommerce brands is to make sure they stay in the consumer consciousness, but not cross any lines. In other words, brands need to stay relevant without oversteppingf boundaries. As soon as shoppers start to feel bothered by your marketing, it’s having the exact opposite desired effect. So how do you find the balance? How do you combat consumer marketing fatigue?

What Is Consumer Marketing Fatigue?

Consumer marketing fatigue speaks to a growing concern amongst consumers relating to growing marketing. When brand marketing falls short, the shoppers simply become frustrated with what they are seeing, rather than interested. With hundreds of brands’ marketing campaigns reaching inboxes and mobile phones every day, it’s not hard to see why customers are facing consumer marketing fatigue.

In short; customers are tired of seeing the same marketing campaigns. They are tired of marketing that does not engage them, and it makes them less inclined to engage with any kind of marketing presented to them.

How To Combat Consumer Marketing Fatigue

There are some methods of ensuring that consumers do not get so tired with marketing campaigns. Let’s take a look at what they are.


Including personalization in your marketing campaign can increase consumer engagement hugely. This is because the content reaching the shoppers is directly applicable to them. Rather than a blanket marketing campaign, personalization means that shoppers will be presented with products and ideas that actually interest them.

These relevant and personalized marketing messages can be achieved by different personalization systems. In order to achieve personalization at scale, a system such as audience segments can be used. This means that shoppers will be categorized into segments based on recent actions, and then offered personalization based on this.

This is useful as it means that you can achieve personalization at a large scale, without compromising any data privacy laws.

Examples of ways that marketing campaigns can be personalized are:

Data-Driven Approach

Continuing from this, in order to provide personalization that is relevant, data should be used. Data can be collected from a whole range of sources. For example, social media data can be useful, on-site data, click-profile data and first-party data can all be useful.

This data should be analyzed and used in order to provide the most relevant marketing campaigns. Through knowing your customers, you can know how to best offer information that will be interesting for them.

The reason this should be put in place is that it centers the customer. They should be the most important consideration when planning how your campaign should be.

a red telephone sitting on top of a white table

Omnichannel Strategy

Marketing works best across an omnichannel strategy. Shoppers should be able to see consistency in marketing throughout the different channels. In different brand areas such as:

Throughout all of these channels, the marketing campaigns should be consistent. The theme, visuals and offers in the campaign should be the same throughout all of these. This creates a holistic experience, with a more coherent and integrated user experience. 

Monitor & Test

Once a campaign is live, it’s important to continue to test and monitor the results. KPI’s such as open-rates, click through rates, conversion rates and customer feedback are all important to consider. Customer feedback is also a useful way to know how the campaign has been received. This kind of data is crucial in making sure your shoppers don’t experience consumer marketing fatigue, and that your strategies can continue to be improved over time.

Making sure you do A/B testing and necessary updates will also make sure your customers stay engaged.

It’s not surprising that so many shoppers face consumer marketing fatigue. People are being bombarded with marketing campaigns constantly. However, by following the guidelines we have issues here, consumer marketing fatigue does not need to be expected. With personalized, data-driven and regularly tested campaigns in place, shoppers can stay engaged and results can continue to be seen.