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No-Code Technology In 2024

Oli Kashti - Writer and Fact-Checker for Fast Simon
By Oli Kashti
Joel Taylor - Editor for Fast Simon
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published October 15, 2024.

a man sitting at a desk in front of a computer

The no-code technology landscape continues to evolve as we move into 2024. As it gains momentum, it continues to offer new possibilities within the eCommerce world and the technology sphere as a whole. With its capacity to save time and money, it makes sense that it’s making such waves. Let’s take a deeper look.

No-Code Technology

No-code technology refers to software applications that don’t need traditional programming languages. With more people wanting to develop at a faster rate, and with less in depth experience, no-code technology means that development becomes faster and more accessible than ever before.

How Does It Work?

No-code works via drag-and-drop, or other simple to use interface options. This means that your website can benefit from the coding work that usually takes insight and experience, without any of the fuss. 

Why Use No-Code?

The benefits of no-code are huge. It increases speed and efficiency, and allows people to adapt and update to trends quickly and easily. Being left behind in the technology scene is never a good look, and the fast pace can be met by no-code advancements. On top of this, it’s cost-effective as a result of the manual hours taken to achieve the end results.

No-Code In 2024

So now we know what no-code is, it makes sense that it continues to grow in the technology sphere. This includes the eCommerce world as well as other spaces. Let’s take a look at the current status of no-code in 2024.

Widespread Use

In 2024, no-code is not a fringe element or experimental. It’s a huge part of the technology landscape, and can not be removed. Businesses of all sizes are using these platforms for many reasons such as:

  • Custom applications creation
  • Streamline operations
  • Innovate with no coding barriers

Historically, no-code technology has been more popular in smaller scale businesses. Larger scale businesses have had to rely on manual back-end coding development in order to ensure that everything works smoothly for their particular use purposes. 

However these days, even bigger corporations are using no-code. The technology has advanced in such a way that makes it more reliable. It also means that even these bigger businesses can respond a lot faster to trends and market demands. 

This scalability means that we can expect to see more no-code elements in all areas of the technology world.

Diverse Use Cases

No-code has become more advanced, meaning that it can be applied to multiple use-cases. These could be platforms based on:

  • Web development
  • App development
  • Workflow automation
  • Data analytics

Whatever the needs are, no-code can speed up and simplify the process. There are a number of different tools that can be implemented to make no-code work in the way that best suits your needs.

AI x No-Code

Whilst no-code has been developing, in a parallel way has been the capacity of AI and machine learning. Such useful AI elements as:

Can all be incorporated into no-code technology in order to make the experience smoother and more robust. Interfaces mean that these integrations can become more accessible and holistic within the rest of your platforms. 

a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop

Improved Security

The integration with AI functionalities means that the security landscape will be improved. Embedded security features will become more accessible, such as:

  • Encryption methods
  • Multi Factor authentication
  • Biometric access codes

Will all become more commonplace. This will result in boosted user trust as they know their data is safer, which will in turn allow no-code to flourish even more. These security checks will continue to grow in importance moving forward.

Task Automation

A big question facing the technology world as a whole is: how much task automation will become possible moving forward? Low code technology can play a major role in automating repetitive tasks.

It cannot completely replace the workforce, but it can help employees work more efficiently and focus on other elements of their jobs. It increases efficiency and frees up space for developers to focus on more complex tasks.

Tasks such as:

  • Data entry
  • Data extraction
  • Report generation

Can all be automated using low-code platforms.

It’s clear that no-code technology is a key player on the scene. It’s a no-brainer to get on board with a system that saves time and money. It also allows less qualified individuals to enter the workforce, as their knowledge of coding doesn’t need to be as intricate in order to get the job done. As bigger businesses turn to no-code, as the security measures continue to grow, all we can say is: watch this space.