6 Techniques to Personalize Emails that Drive Customer Engagement and LTV

Today, the most effective email campaigns are those that are personalized, delivering relevant content tailored to the individual preferences and behaviors of each recipient.

a woman with glasses sitting in front of a wall
By Arjel Vajvoda
Danell Theron Photo
Edited by Danéll Theron
Oli Kashti - Writer and Fact-Checker for Fast Simon
Fact-check by Oli Kashti

Published October 15, 2024.

a man in a suit pointing to an email envelope

Email marketing campaigns focus on three primary goals: engagement, retention, and conversions. By delivering personalized and relevant content, emails capture the recipient's interest, build long-term relationships, and drive actions like purchases or sign-ups. Through tailored messaging and strategic calls-to-action, email campaigns boost brand loyalty and increase overall sales.

Meet the Expert

Arjel Vajvoda, Head of Product at Motomtech, leverages her extensive experience in customer support to craft user-focused SaaS products with innovative documentation solutions.

» Ready to personalize your emails? See our AI-powered personalization solutions

Why Bother With Email Personalization?

  • Engagement: Personalized emails deliver content that aligns with the recipient's interests or past behavior, increasing click-through rates and the likelihood of opens while keeping the audience engaged with the brand.
  • Retention: Personalized discounts and offers based on purchase history make customers feel valued, encouraging brand loyalty and reducing churn.

  • Conversions: Personalized emails featuring promotions or discounts specifically designed for the recipient enhance the chances of converting leads into paying customers.

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a circular diagram with the text 6 techniques to personalize emails

» Learn how to use AI in personalized email marketing

1. Using the Customer’s Name

Using the customer’s name is a straightforward personalization method that creates an immediate sense of familiarity. It is less complex than segmentation or personalized recommendations but is highly effective in making emails feel personal.


  • Increase open rates: Addressing customers by name can lead to higher open rates.
  • Enhance engagement: Personalization makes recipients feel valued, boosting engagement.
  • Higher lifetime value (LTV): Enhanced loyalty contributes to an increased lifetime value.

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Who Is It Best For?

This technique is best suited for a wide range of users, from new leads to existing customers, as it requires minimal data and is universally effective.

Key Considerations When Using Customer Names in Emails

Best Practices

  • Incorporate the customer’s name in both the subject line to increase open rates and the greeting to immediately establish a personal connection.

Measuring Success

  • Benchmark: Aim for a 15-20% increase in open rates when including names in subject lines compared to generic emails.

Biggest Challenge

  • Misspelled names: Incorrectly spelled names can negatively affect the recipient’s experience. Implementing checks and validation processes ensures name data is accurate and helps maintain a positive customer relationship.

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Example: Fleet Farm's personalized email campaign effectively uses the customer's name in the greeting and throughout the message, enhancing the customer experience and boosting engagement.

Personalized email from Fleet Farm saying thank you for picking up your order.

2. Email Segmentation by Demographics, Behavior, or Preferences

Email segmentation allows marketers to send tailored content to specific audience groups based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences. For instance, teenagers won't respond to the same language and imagery that older audiences will, so reflecting your content to the trends and behaviors of those age groups separately will help your emails resonate more with each group.

Similarly, if your store offers a large catalog of products (such as fashion, pet accessories, and tech), it wouldn't make sense to advertise new clothing deals to customers who have only ever shown an interest in tech.

» Learn more: Customer segmentation vs. personalization


  • Higher engagement: Segmenting email lists delivers content tailored to each segment’s interests, increasing the likelihood of interaction.
  • Fosters loyalty: Consistently meeting recipients' needs over time builds brand loyalty.

Who Is It Best For?

This technique is ideal for eCommerce businesses targeting customers across various age groups, regions, or purchase behaviors, enabling more relevant and impactful messaging.

Key Considerations With Email Segmentation

Best Practices

  • A/B testing: You should continuously test and optimize different segment strategies to see which segments respond best to specific types of content or offers.

Measuring Success

  • Benchmark: Aim for a 20-25% increase in engagement for segmented campaigns compared to non-segmented ones.

Biggest Challenge

    • Data silos: Inconsistent data across platforms can result in inaccurate segmentation, so use integrated tools like CRM systems to sync data across channels for consistency and accuracy.

» Understand the science of effective email segmentation and targeted messaging

Example: Amazon effectively segments its email lists based on customer purchase history and browsing behavior. For instance, if a customer frequently buys pet food, they receive targeted emails featuring deals and new arrivals in that category.

Email of Amazon's Pet Supplies

3. Personalized Product Recommendations and Offers

This approach uses detailed behavioral and purchase data to tailor product recommendations specifically to the individual. It is especially effective in eCommerce and retail, where customer behavior, purchase history, and merchandising techniques can guide relevant suggestions.


  • Boosted lifetime value (LTV): Encouraging repeat purchases and cross-selling complementary products enhances LTV.
  • Higher overall revenue: Personalized recommendations drive increased sales, leading to greater revenue.

» Not sure where to start? Here's the difference between cross-selling and upselling

Who Is It Best For?

This is particularly effective for repeat customers and those interested in certain products or categories, helping to nurture long-term relationships.

» Discover the difference between personalization and customization

Key Considerations for Personalized Product Recommendations and Offers

Best Practices

  • Use dynamic content: Implement dynamic content blocks that automatically update with personalized product recommendations based on real-time data, ensuring freshness and relevance.
  • Leverage purchase triggers: Send personalized recommendations shortly after a purchase to suggest complementary products.

Measuring Success

  • Conversion rate: Aim for a 10-15% increase.
  • Average order value (AOV): Target a 10-15% boost.

Biggest Challenge

  • Irrelevant recommendations: This can lead to customer frustration, it is essential to continuously refine your recommendation algorithms based on the most current data.

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Example: Netflix uses customer viewing history to recommend shows and movies. This approach not only increases engagement with the platform but also keeps customers subscribed longer, significantly improving LTV.

Personalized email from Netflix to Amanda

» Learn more: Our guide to personalized digital marketing

4. Creating Targeted Campaigns

A targeted email campaign is a marketing strategy that involves sending a series of curated emails to a specific group of people with shared characteristics or interests. This allows you to tailor your messages to a relevant audience, creating personalized content that resonates and drives desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

This method allows for deep insights into customer behavior and preferences. It is especially recommended when you want to align email content with the customer’s broader digital footprint.

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  • Hyper-targeted campaigns: Using collected customer data from multiple sources allows you to create campaigns that deeply resonate with recipients.
  • Stronger brand connections: Consistent and meaningful interactions build stronger brand loyalty.

Who Is It Best For?

This technique is best suited for customers who actively engage with your brand across multiple channels, such as social media and online platforms.

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Key Considerations for Creating Targeted Campaigns

Best Practices

  • Integrate data sources: Ensure that your CRM, social media platforms, and email marketing tools are seamlessly integrated.
  • Monitor and adjust: Continuously monitor the performance of targeted campaigns and adjust strategies based on real-time data insights.

Measuring Success

  • Engagement metrics: Aim for a 20-30% increase in click-through rates.

Biggest Challenge

  • Data privacy concerns: This can arise from using data from multiple sources, so it is important to be transparent about data usage and ensure compliance with data protection regulations like the GDPR.

Example: Spotify uses data from users’ listening habits, combined with social media activity, to create targeted playlists and recommendations.

Email from Spotify showing music for your personalized taste

5. Timing-Based Personalization

Timing-based personalization focuses on the "when" aspect of email marketing, targeting customers at opportune moments, such as after specific actions or during peak engagement times.

For example, offering limited seasonal deals (like specialty Easter chocolates) and time-sensitive product bundles for new releases, bestsellers, and your most loyal customers can help you strike urgency into your consumer base and leverage key psychological strategies like FOMO (fear of missing out).

» How? See our guide to eCommerce merchandising for every season


  • Drives conversions: Reaching customers at the right time increases the chances of converting leads into sales.
  • Enhances LTV: Frequent and well-timed interactions improve customer lifetime value (LTV).

Who Is It Best For?

This technique is ideal for users with identifiable behavior patterns, such as frequent shoppers or active website users. It works well for those who regularly engage with your brand and are likely to respond positively to timely, relevant communications.

Key Considerations for Time-Based Personalization

Best Practices

  • Use automation tools: Implement automation tools that can trigger emails based on specific actions or times of day.

  • A/B test sending times: Regularly test different sending times to identify when your audience is most likely to engage.

Measuring Success

  • Engagement metrics: Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates at different times of the day.
  • Benchmark: Aim for a 10-20% improvement when sending emails at optimized times versus standard times.

Biggest Challenge

  • Misaligned timing: This can lead to missed opportunities in sending emails, so it's important to continuously monitor and adjust timing strategies based on performance metrics and customer feedback.

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Example: Uber sends emails to users based on their typical ride patterns, such as reminders during commuting hours or before popular events.

The image is a promotional email from Uber offering a $20 flat rate for rides from San Francisco Airport

6. Dynamic Content Blocks Based on User Data

Dynamic content blocks effectively personalize emails by displaying different content to users based on their data. Dynamic blocks change in real-time based on the recipient’s demographics, behavior, or preferences.


  • Increases engagement: Dynamic content blocks ensure recipients see relevant content tailored to them.
  • Boosts click-through rates and conversions: Personalized experiences within the same email drive higher interaction.

Who Is It Best For?

This technique is best suited for audiences with varied interests and behaviors, such as large eCommerce customer bases or B2B clients with different needs.

Key Considerations for Dynamic Content Blocks Based on User Data

Best Practices

  • Segment and tailor: Combine dynamic content with segmentation to tailor blocks for specific audience segments, creating a cohesive experience.
  • Test variations: Regularly test different versions of dynamic content to identify what performs best with each segment and optimize future campaigns.

Measuring Success

  • Key metrics: Track click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall engagement.
  • Benchmark: Aim for a 15-25% improvement in these metrics with dynamic content.

Biggest Challenge

  • Complexity in design: Creating multiple versions of dynamic content can be complex and time-consuming, making it important to use email design tools that simplify the process and allow for easy integration of dynamic content blocks.

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Example: Nike effectively uses dynamic content in their personalized emails to enhance user engagement. For instance, based on user data from the Nike Training Club app, emails are tailored to include sneaker recommendations, tips, and products that align with the user's fitness goals and activity level.

The mage is a Nike promotional email showcasing the Nike Dri-FIT apparel

Potential Drawbacks of Over-personalization

  • Privacy concerns: Over-personalization can make recipients feel like their privacy is being invaded, especially if emails reveal too much about their habits. This discomfort can push customers away if they feel their data is misused.

  • Being over-dependent on data: Relying heavily on data-driven approaches can lead to missed opportunities for creativity and human insight.

  • Inaccurate personalization: If the data used for personalization is outdated or incorrect, it can result in irrelevant content. This diminishes campaign effectiveness and can damage the brand's reputation and trust.

  • Complexity in management: Managing highly personalized campaigns can become complex and time-consuming, especially without proper automation. This complexity can strain resources and hinder consistency and quality across large-scale operations.

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Email Personalization Done Right

Incorporating these six personalization techniques into your email marketing strategy can significantly enhance engagement, retention, and conversions. By tailoring content to meet the unique needs and preferences of your audience, you will not only build stronger relationships with your customers but also drive greater business success. Start implementing these strategies today to see the positive impact on your email campaigns.

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