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The Case For Using A No-Code Visual Editor For Cross-sell and Upsell Recommendations

Oli Kashti - Writer and Fact-Checker for Fast Simon
By Oli Kashti
Joel Taylor - Editor for Fast Simon
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published October 17, 2024.

a series of photos showing different types of dresses

As the eCommerce world moves further towards no-code technology, the advanced capabilities of this technology continue to unfold. No-code design for products, landing and collections pages have already been established as powerful and helpful tools. Using a no-code visual editor for cross-sell and upsell recommendations equally provides huge benefits for an optimized ecommerce experience. Let’s take a look at how.

The Importance of Visuals

The importance of the visual appeal on your eCommerce site is not something to be overlooked. MIT statistics show that 90% of the information that enters the human brain is visual. It’s the first thing we see, and it has the most striking impact. Our interest is either peaked, or lost by what we see before us. This is why the visuality of your eCommerce site as a whole, and each different element of it, is crucially important. Sub-par visuals, and attention is lost. Appealing visuals, and the shopper is immediately hooked.

Cross-Sell and Upsell Recommendations

Cross-sell and Upsell recommendations account for more than 30% of online revenue. Having an optimized AI that creates relevant recommendations provides a benefit to both merchants and shoppers. The shopper is aided in finding products they need, and the merchant sees increased AOV. 

Cross-sell recommendations offer additional products to compliment products already being purchased. Upsell recommendations suggest alternative products that offer a different style or price-range from the product being considered. Having a recommendations widget like this is vital at any checkout page, but can also be placed on products or collections pages.

a bunch of shoes that are in different colors

Efforts have been made to optimize cross-sell and upsell modules, such as including personalization, A/B results, and refining the specific use of text. However, something that may have been slightly overlooked until now is the importance of the visuals of Cross-sell and Upsell technology.

The No-Code Revolution

Ensuring that the visuals of your site are as optimized makes all the difference to your customer experience. Until very recently, the only way to create a visually pleasing website was through costly and timely investments in front-end development. No-code editing has meant that visual control has never been faster, cheaper and more accessible.

Through drag and drop features, changes can be made to the visual presentation of any website immediately. Rather than waiting months for expensive updates, the editor itself functions via a visual language. Simply; if it looks good for you- you can make that change, and you can continue to make the change as many times as you like. The ability to create an engaging and appealing website has never been more accessible. Truly, the power to create a visually appealing website that fits your standard has never been easier.

No-Code Cross-sell & Upsell Recommendations

Now that the power of no-code editing has been established on collections and homepages, the power of this intuitive technology is being passed on to other components of the eCommerce experience. Using a no-code visual editor for cross-sell and upsell recommendations combines the simplicity and effectiveness of no-code technology, with the advanced AI capacities of cross-sell and upsell merchandising.

When the two are put together, the benefits that the two bring separately are merged. Why is this important? Well, if the recommendations widget wasn’t visually appealing, shoppers’ eyes wouldn’t be drawn in that direction to begin with; they would just scan over it. They wouldn’t engage with it, which would leave the AI’s hard work in recommendations going to waste. 

a group of women in pink and blue outfits

Contrarily, if the visual presentation of the widget was appealing but the recommendations were not producing relevant suggestions, shoppers would quickly lose interest. If the recommendations feature does not offer optimized suggestions, it can have the opposite desired effect on the shopper. It can create decision fatigue and give the impression that you are just interested in making more money.

Having a no-code editor for the recommendations widget means both elements are firmly under your control. You control how it looks, and you control how effectively it works. This leaves no room for error, and huge room for increased conversions and customer satisfaction. 

Using a no-code visual editor has proven itself to be beneficial to the eCommerce world. Using this with cross-sell and upsell recommendations means that advanced AI features are put to their best potential with visually appealing presentation. This creates potential for increased sales and customer satisfaction.