Visual Discovery: How Visual Search Is Enhancing Product Discovery
Visual search capacities are enhancing product discovery and changing the eCommerce landscape. We’re used to discovering things through our eyes; it’s our natural inspiration point. So why should eCommerce be any different?

Published January 3, 2025.

Visual searches are becoming increasingly sought after in the eCommerce sphere. Rather than typing long keywords, which could leave you with the wrong result, shoppers just want to use images. After all, why wouldn’t they? If their image can match them with the product they want, this is a very convenient way to shop. Visual search is driven by AI and provides many benefits to eCommerce customers.
What Is Visual Discovery?
Visual discovery, sometimes known as visual search, is a search method that uses image data rather than textual data to produce the desired result. It leverages AI and machine learning to identify exact and similar looking products in the merchants collection. This means that shoppers can simply upload or reference an image of their own, and find what they need to in the store around them.
How Does Visual Discovery Work?
Visual discovery works through AI and machine learning algorithms evaluating the uploaded image and extracting the primary characteristics of the image. These involve:
Brand logo
And any other relevant details. Once it has this information, it compares these extracted characteristics with other product images and metadata stored in the database. Any that match or are closely linked are then presented in the findings. The search results will show all of the closest matches to the searcher.
Benefits Of Visual Discovery
There are many reasons why visual discovery is so useful to eCommerce users, and we’ll take a look at some of them now.
Improved User Experience
AI visual search immediately improves user experience. It is not always the case that the user knows the exact keyword that should be used, or even the name of certain things. Especially in fast paced industries such as the fashion world, trending topics move at a lighting speed. Expecting shoppers to always know the official term for each item is simply not doable.
Allowing these shoppers to just search using an image will make their lives a lot easier. It smoothens out the search process, and reduces any possible friction in the buying funnel. This leaves customers more happy, and better sales.
Improved Product Discovery
Being able to help shoppers uncover what you have to offer them is a great thing. Similar products will be shown by your product discovery unit, and this means that shoppers will see what you’re supplying. Creating the potential for more product discovery opens the door to cross-sell and upsell opportunities that might not have otherwise been presented.
Accurate Search Results
Because of the AI and machine learning within this process, there is a higher chance of accuracy for users in visual search than standard. This is because the image itself has been analysed to produce similar results. The more accurate your search results, the more sales you will make. If people can find what they are looking for, it will also reduce the bounce rate on your store.
Visual discovery creates the potential for personalization within the search process. Recommendations can be tailored according to visual preferences. When you show your shoppers new products next, these can be influenced by the images they have used to search. It can help you get a good understanding of your customers, and keep them coming back. This data insight is very helpful for any eCommerce store.
Using a visual discovery model in your eCommerce store is a great idea. It will improve the customer user experience whilst also boosting your sales. As we move into the future it’s more likely that shoppers will expect to see this as an option when they shop, so you don’t want to get left behind. On the merchant end, it increases customer satisfaction and data collection. It’s really a win-win for all.